ACIM Lesson 81

Lesson 81: Review: “I am the light of the world.”  “Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.”

This lesson says, “My acceptance does not depend on my recognizing what my function is, for I do not yet understand forgiveness.” 

The Course says that our function in the world is forgiveness.

God is actually not interested in forgiveness for His own sake and, in fact, has no need for forgiveness because God is simply the experience of perfection. 

God has no need for anything that happens in the world because God’s realm is of knowledge- which is our experience.

The ego likes to use intellect throughout our perception to keep the mind active and busy.

God is purely about knowing we are whole and perfect and sinless because God is our essence. 

The knowing of God can be felt in the present and God is only an experience. 

The Course reminds us that God gave us forgiveness so we can heal the world. 

The world is technically not of God at all because the world is temporary and imperfect, and this is then the opposite of God.

Since God is purely perfect love and knowledge, then this is the opposite of the ego’s worldly making. 

Therefore, we don’t think of them as going together.

We must hold in our minds that God has no use for the world because they are contrary to each other.  That means God doesn’t need to do anything with the world because God is not based there.

However, the Course explains that- even though the world is not His- in what God creates, God loves us so much that He would be willing and happy to go into the world and heal what we have made there in His absence.

Then, we bring light to the world because God loves all of us who inhabit the world.

God simply wants us to heal and be happy, and that is why God gave us forgiveness specifically.  

God gives us something that always works to heal any mistaken beliefs we hold or any error in thinking.  God is here to heal our attack energy and our problems with the ones we love and with society as a whole.

Forgiveness heals everything because it is the simple recognition that we are all loved and are all lovable and that nothing is ever wrong. 

We remember that no one is at fault even if someone appeared to hurt our feelings.

Forgiveness is the way we let God’s Love into the situation that appears to be the problem.

We love it and we don’t judge it. 

We show up and bring the healing power of God- that only happens through love in the form of forgiveness.

God is just Love in totality.  God is nothing but the experience of our perfect Love.  This is absolutely the most healing thing, the only healing thing we can bring to our lives with conscious intention.  However, the ego has constructed the world where we appear to believe that wrongs get done and that people are at fault.

This is why we need forgiveness because it is that form of love where we recognize that there is no one at fault in the situation in which we felt the slight.

All we have to do is be willing to surrender those old ideas that someone needs to pay for whatever the ego wants to blame that person for doing- in order to make us feel better from the ego’s view. 

The Course teaches us how to forgive while we know there was never anything wrong in the first place.

  We remember that the error was unreal entirely.

When we know the problem never happened in the first place, this allows us to deeply accept the gift of forgiveness for ourselves and all others.


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