Miracles Lesson 68

 Lesson 68: Love Holds no grievances.

The wisdom of the Course in this lesson stops me in my tracks.

  We must enjoy abundant Love. When we instill Love in the world, our egos  finanally  stop complaining.

The Course says we can apply Love as a miracle in the world whenever we see a call for Love or something we find distressing.

Taking care to watch out thinking is impeccably simple. We forget to bring Love to the world, so our task is to remind ourselves.

The Course explains that Love holds no grievances; our egos go out of their way to convince us that they are not harboring attack energy. But honestly, they are deceivers, so our job is to recognize that we typically show up with blinders on.

Still, we can resolve this situation by being extra careful not to show up with attack energy. Our task is to process it and let the attack ornery go. Modifying behavior is simple but can change our outlooks, so it is worth it. We can work with our thinking, behavior, and speech proactively so it can be modified to make our thinking better.

All Love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

 Licensed Acupuncture


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