Lesson 77: “I am entitled to miracles.”

In the Course’s terminology, a miracle is a shift in consciousness.  This miracle can happen any time and anywhere.  The beauty is that the miracle is both ultra simple and can also be the most complex of solutions if we need to heal situations that are complicated.  The miracle works equally well in any scenario.  The miracle adapts perfectly to heal any situation that may be wanting of a new way of perceiving it- or a shift.

The miracle works everywhere when we remember to simply show up in a miracle minded state and be the instrument of thinking that brings the shift into the situation.  

We learn that the miracle is perfectly simple.  It is nothing but one simple decision.  It has no need to be complicated.  It is simply when we see a call for love or there is a situation where there appears to be some lacking, and then we perceive it- without judgement, but a simple evaluation- that it would be helpful if we brought some love.

This then means we can be the instrument of love that carries the perfection of the moment to the moment.  

This comes with love and forgiveness and a light heart.  Then we can bring to the situation that perfect solution to what appears to be a problem on the surface, which the Course refers to as a call for love.  Then we can bring that new feeling of God’s Love and openness.  This brings us to a moment of serenity when we realize that what we are doing is not working.  Then we ask God to bring us to a place of love and peace amidst whatever exterior insanity seems to exist.

When we find situations that appear to be a problem, what is happening is that there is some disconnect from our memory that we and all are perfect in the realm of God Who is available to give us the courage to face whatever needs facing. 

Then as we hold the acceptance of our not knowing what to do, we can then allow God to intervene in our process and be the tool that we need to remember how to be in that miracle mind.  When we are in the miracle mindedness this means that we allow our minds to be light and clear and we love this situation just as it is.

Then we allow ourselves to join energetically with the situation because we feel comfortable and happy to do so.

This then allows us to show up to the situation with a heart full of love and we allow our openness to God and the situation be the energy that allows us to shift to one of miracles.  This is the shift in consciousness. 

All we need is this subtle but decisive intention to come to any situation with a mind that is open and flowing in God’s energy.  This then allows us to be fully alive and awake in our own experience of living in miracle mindedness.

Then we can be the instrument of the miracle readily and quickly because we are already open to this mind place.  This is the way to shift into that miracle mind that consists of simply being aware that we want to be in God’s consciousness all the time.  What happens often in the world is that our egos get to have the primary place in the process of how things happen.  Then we forget God because we momentarily forget how to get into the miracle mindedness and/or we lose the willingness to stay grounded in this principle and bring it to the places we see.  This is simply a loss of our awareness that we want God and the energy that God brings.  We just have to keep reminding ourselves that we will love the miracle mindedness when we maintain it because it is the simple knowing that all is well, as well as our loving what is happening.  This then helps us shift.

The miracle is our dream come true.

When we let the miracles come fully at all turns, we simply love life because we allow ourselves to live in this high minded place where we are always communing readily with God’s Love. 

And this love becomes both the guide and the inspiration for all we do in our worldly life. 

This means that we can be a true version of how it is to live in constant awareness that we are always blessed with God’s Love to feed us and nurture us.  This is the best that can ever happen in the illusion when we stay focused on this extraordinary shift of the miracle while we make our way through the world’s maze of intermittent awakening.


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