Lesson 204: Review: “I am not a body.  I am free.  For I am still as God created me.”  “The name of God is my inheritance.”

The Course reminds us that we are all in a predictable phase. We are all right before waking up.

We come to the world.  We make everything real there, we project reality out from our thinking manifested into the physical world.  We become convinced the world has reality because it appears to have proof within the idea that we can touch and interact with the world we see.

Therefore, we cease to question the reality of the world because it seems so obvious and unable to contend with.

We don’t try to leave the reality in which we find ourselves there, because being there seems like our only option.  We do this dance in the world because it seems like the natural progression of the trajectory in our human existence.  All people do this at some level.  We all forget to question reality’s plausibility.

The Course says that we are doing what is anticipated.

We all need to be in this place first and then as we sit an look at what we see, there is a moment of dawning on us that what we think we see may not actually be true. 

The Course reminds us that this is a blessing.  When we get all saturated by the world’s beliefs—with the world’s lures of gold and power- we get into a fixed place.

It is actually bereft of happiness and peace there because the ego doesn’t know how to be there with a light heart without heaps of attachment.  

The Course reminds us that everything gets used.  We don’t want to fret over the ego’s process.

Sometimes we think the ego is taking a really circuitous route getting us finally to the resting place of peace and tranquility.  

Nonetheless, we are meant to have faith that God plans all of this exactly.  Every little morsel we consume along the way, every little moment of being afflicted with pain physically, as well as strife in our relationships and the world’s drama all has purpose.

We will see at some time how perfect this extensive route is in serving us the most direct route to get to the memory that we never left God.

The Course says that our purpose is to trust God’s plan.  We often forget that God knows just what is needed.  Therefore, we become anxious and emotionally rattled about what happens.  The Course teaches us to surrender that regular energy and power we give to these insane ideas that God is not watching us and caring for us in the most perfect and profound way.  The Course says that remembering how much God loves us and how He is completely dedicated to us is the way we clear our minds of agony about the way we live.  We must know that God loves us now and exactly as we are.

God has the process of our return home exactly orchestrated so we get there in the least amount of time because God is infinitely compassionate and would never do anything for us that was not always for our best.

We are asked to remember that God gives us this moment of shifting at some point. 

God wants us to come home and therefore, somewhere along the line, God allows the reality to dawn upon our minds concerning a fresh agenda.  God gives us an awareness that where we currently are is not where we want to be.

This questioning is the opening of the door to our minds.  The Course reminds us that everyone gets this gift. 

We just need to be present and do the best we can to stay centered in our willingness to be part of the solution.  We must show up with this open space in our minds to be available to something new.

We don’t have to do anything but feel this shift and the resulting energy change is the welcoming of God’s energy.   


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