Lesson 203: Review: “I am not a body.  I am free.  For I am still as God created me.”  “I call upon God’s name and on my own.”

This lesson (183) says, “God’s Name is holy, but no holier than yours.” 

The Course teaches a very healing message.  It says that God is absolutely, supremely powerful and perfect to the core.

We discover that God is all about being the parent and benefactor that we always dreamed about in our most amazing fantasy.

We always want God to be the ideal parent because this then results in our relationship with God being totally elevated as well. 

When we realize that God is the parent with the healthiest, happiest and the lightest in His manner of living and in being in relationships with other people then God is totally easy to love.  

We just need to realize that God is the best parent we ever could hope for.  Our job is to appreciate God because it is fun.

Gratitude and feeling gratitude is our gift to ourselves because it feels so good when we extend it. 

Then we benefit from how it feels when we give it away.  This is the only reason we are asked to sit in gratitude.  We got the ideal God; that is the best gift for which we could ever ask.  Then in response we can be grateful to love God in the way we do because it also feels good to us.

Another thing that the Course says is that our worth is just as full and complete as God’s or anyone else’s.

The Course is unique in that Jesus cares absolutely whether we remember to include ourselves in the perspective of holy.  God is surely easy to classify as holy because our acquired picture of God encompasses the repeated messages we have heard that God is the most worthy person anywhere.

Therefore, it makes sense that God is deemed holy.

The Course totally rocks our world as well, because the Course says we are holy too. 

Even on our worst day we are still holy.  This changes everything.

When we feel good about ourselves then we also act the part in the world of one who is worthy.  This means we will act like we are lovable. 

We will treat ourselves with respect and respect other people when we get the news that we are worthy.  It is a natural response to this infinitely wonderful news.  The Course cares that remember that we are just as good as God is.

This seems like a very tall order.  We have heard from day one in our lives that God is the only holy one and everyone else will never measures up.  This is such a tragedy.  When we lose touch with that inherent worth we start to behave as if there were something wrong with us and that we have some flaw in our foundation.  We feel this flaw because we believe it is true.  The Course reminds us that our holiness is never changing.  Our holiness is a state of purity and total innocence.  The ego always has a list a mile long of all the reasons we can’t be holy.

This lesson says not just that we are holy but also that we are just as holy as God. 

This is such a light place in our minds when we think about it.

When we identify as holy, every bit of our energy shifts into perfect alignment with God. 

We feel clear internally because we realize God’s light is shining right through us in the form of our holiness.

That means God’s love gets right to us because nothing even has the potential to block our holiness.


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