3-6-15 Lesson 65 Laurie’s Reflections

Friday, March 6, 2015

Lesson 65: “My only function is the one God gave me.”

This lesson says, “This thought reflects a goal that is preventing me from accepting my only function.”  We have to understand that we with the ego have goals that are not coinciding with God’s goals.  We make all kinds of goals in the ego’s world.  We have what we believe are goals but they are almost always with some kind of underlying not-love intent.

The world’s goals are often accompanied by fear and lack thoughts and distress.  We often don’t even notice what the ego is asserting.  The goals seem veiled with some belief that is not based in love so we end up feeling resentful and disturbed while we pursue them.  We are asked to understand that any goal or function that is not God or not love is going to give us so many reasons to be disgruntled and stressed.

We need to take a closer look at the goals we have with the ego.  When we stop and pay closer attention to them then we can really gain some insight to emotions and intentions underlying the goals.  We want to see when we are asking for the world without God this is our unhappy choice.

What we are invited to do is release the old belief in anything that is not God like fear and anger to the extremes.  We are invited to cleanse the old feelings of not-love and give them all back to God.  We want to allow our minds-our inner sanctuary- to be free from the memory of pain or the belief in littleness.  We want to face God with an empty heart upon which the only function we were ever made for can be assigned and understood as God’s.

Our function is to be the bringers of salvation to the world.  God wants us to just be the true selves which are the direct Creations of God.  We are so very fortunate to have God’s continued loving grace.  God gave us our function because we are wholly lovable and sinless.  Therefore, it is our charge in this lifetime to remember only the truth of being God’s dearly beloveds.


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