Lesson 68: Love holds no grievances: This lesson says, “When I let my grievances go, I will know I am perfectly safe. “ The Course explains that we have many emotions and feelings, and our emotions get stuck within ourselves. Our emotions constantly vibrate energy at a spiritual level,...
Miracles Lesson 68
Laurie Prez, , Laurie's Course In Miracles Workbook Reflections, Our emotions consistently vibrate energy at a spiritual level- so when we have grievances those are our number one problem because they are so frequent., So we must ensure we catch them when we have grievances because they are familiar., The Course explains that we have many emotions and feelings and our emotions get stuck within ourselves., When we feel grievances we get affected by their energy because they are comprised with attack energy., When we feel them. we feel the misfortune of experiencing attack energy because we. bring it to ourselves., 0