Lesson 68: Love holds no grievances:

This lesson says, “When I let my grievances go, I will know I am perfectly safe. “

The Course explains that we have many emotions and feelings, and our emotions get stuck within ourselves.

Our emotions constantly vibrate energy at a spiritual level, so when we have grievances, those are our number one problem because they are so frequent.

When we have grievances, we get affected by their energy because they are comprised of attack energy. When we feel them, we feel the misfortune of experiencing attack energy because we bring it to ourselves. So we must ensure we catch when we have grievances because they are familiar.

Since our felt grievances cause us misfortune because when we touch them, we usually are upset that they happened, so then we will have to realize that we can release them and the dark energy they bring us whenever we give them to God’s altar for healing.

Since we end up with more attack energy when we feel our grievances, we need to ensure we never feel them at length. We need to keep giving them up. Then when we stop thinking about our grudges, our energy rises, and then we get more comfortable within because we have released them.

Letting go of attack energy via grievances is the way to remove all of the attack energy in the grievances, so the result is that the attack energy disappears when we let them go.

So we end up with blessed and healthy energy because we can trust we will be safe when we let go of our inner attack energy. The result is that we get more robust because we are no longer dealing with attack energy, so the result is that we will be ultra-safe in the world.

The Course explains that because of our union with God, God Created us, so God’s Essence comes from God’s Creation of us.   Our essence comes from God’s Substance. We are God’s children, so God provides for us like a super Parent, always in tune and responding to our needs. 

Because we are all God’ ’s children, and His parental Love provides us with sharing God’s Energy with us because we are all made of the substance of God. Because we are His children, we have His energy within. Because we share the essence of our lives with God, all we do in the world will be blessed and have God’s favor.

When we stop feeling grievances, then we end up feeling energetically healthier and more robust, and we can know that because we are created with God’s substance, then we can trust we will be safe in life because we are not blocking our connection to God with attack energy such as grievances. 

All Love,

 Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncturemi


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