ACIM Lesson 263

Lesson 263: “What is the Body?”  “My Holy vision sees all things as pure.”

This lesson says, “Father, Your Mind created all that is, Your Spirit entered into it, Your Love gave life to it.  And would I look upon what you created as if it could be made sinful?” 

Our task is to trust God.  God- with a clear Will and purpose, created all that is.  God had a plan, and perfectly executed His Plan, with no exceptions about how everyone and everything were made with the perfect energy of God.

We are asked to see God’s creations, all of the world and everything in form as having the perfect essence of God. 

Therefore, we can implicitly trust that God has everything worked out, and knows exactly what He is doing, because He is God. 

We are growing our faith in just trusting God knows His stuff.

He is infinitely capable of creating exactly what He wants and He has done so in the creation of us and the world and anything we are currently using to heal ourselves and the world.

We just want to step aside and trust that God is doing what is best for all of us and for the world because God has a perfect plan and is consciously making the perfect circumstances for us.

We are given the opportunity to realize and experience that the world is blessed in fact. 

We often stumble in the world, and have every last little problem, so we try to avoid it or suppress what we feel or get upset about it or create attack energy about it.

The world sure may seem like a mess to the untrained eye. 

The Course is giving us the perfect lens that is the essence of God, which we at last use to redo that inner image we have created about the world.

The world can be pure.  That is a statement. Pure seems pretty extreme in the good and happy department.

Pure is something we can let the world be if we simply make up our minds to let this image in. 

The world being synonymous with pure is easy in fact when we get the hang of it.  All we have to do is get out of the way.  We need to get the ego out of that feeding ground in our minds and give this space totally to God.  God knows what is the most suitable for us.

We just need to give God permission to intercede on our behalf. 

This is the way to give God permission to heal the world’s darkness and distress. 

We don’t have to do anything but just accept that the world’s purity has never changed, we just need to be willing to see it as it is.


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