Lesson 131: “No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.”

This lesson says,” Heaven remains your one alternative to this strange world you made and all its ways;  its shifting patterns and uncertain goals, its painful pleasures and its tragic joys.” 

We get to escape from this insane, worldly, ego reality that is the root of those things we absolutely don’t want. 

Even saying the phrases ‘painful pleasures’ and ‘tragic joys’ and ‘uncertain goals,’ makes me pause and respond with the affirmative that I want more than that. 

 Who wants those conflicting goals and that conflicted reality? 

 No one in their right mind does.  We just space out and lose touch with the truth. 

No one wants to have conflict because this always includes suffering over conflict.  That is certain. 

God wants us to want more for ourselves.

When our minds forget that we are worthy, this is the only problem. 

We forget we are worthy and so we don’t make that little bit of effort it takes to remember our certainty. 

This is the only real problem we ever have.  It is easy to resolve because we have God on our sides. 

When we get to that point of realization that we are worthy of the effort, then all we need to do is assert our little willingness to change the episodes of suffering over being in conflict. 

Then, all we need to do is rely on God for the answers if we get stuck in the process of taking this information about the true reality we are living in to heart. 

God is our absolute only and best option to provide us with anything we need when we are unable to take the a further step forward.  

This makes everything so easy because it is a done deal once we just give it to God to use His miraculous and potent Energy and Will to simply correct whatever errors we have in our minds. 

God only wants to erase that baggage we carry with us of guilt for not feeling good enough to do the work needed, or when we forget to keep taking and honest look at what is happening in our minds. 

God is never angry at us when we do something wrong and never wavers an instant in knowing wholeheartedly that we are all totally sinless always.  

Therefore, God can help us instantly as long as we ask, and knows exactly where we are stuck, but God never gets to the place of changing His mind about us because God is never in conflict about us. 

God is perfect and this is why we can totally trust God’s opinion of us, and just take this knowing that we are guiltless and sinless, and allow this to buoy up our energy and minds when we forget we are worthy of that tiny little bit of willingness.

There is no way for us to fail as long as we remember this.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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