Lesson 339: “What is the ego?”  “I will receive whatever I request.”   

 We are learning that every little thought we have is a request.  

This seems like cruel joke- how could we be requesting the things that come into our lives?  It seems to be a crazy statement.

The thing is that our intention comes with our thinking.  It is hard to have one without the other.  

This means everything we see comes from our desire.  Most of us would say, “No way, we are creating our lives.”

But we do actually make it what it is.

We are reminded that we don’t know the difference between pleasure and pain.  

If we did we would not choose pain our right mind.  But the reality is this happens all the time.

Our task is to let God be our guide.  

We ask how we are meant to interpret our inner thoughts.  We ask God to tell us the difference between pleasure and pain.

When we have God’s input about this, then we can finally stop inadvertently choosing pain when we think we are choosing pleasure. 

The Course reminds us that the ego knows nothing. We just need to get out of the way.

Let’s just keep owning our own participation in creating our lives. 

When we remember that we all play our part, then we more easily come to terms with the importance and reality that we can select things as we like them.

And we can forgive when we see something we think we don’t want.  We can appreciate that our essence and God may be calling a situation to us we think we don’t want.    Realize that this happens because this is the nature of being human.

We just need to get on our knees and pray, asking God to teach us the real meaning of forgiveness so we can abundantly shower forgiveness on all we see with no reservation.


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