Lesson 43: “God is my Source. I cannot see apart from him.”
This lesson says, “Healed perception becomes the means by which the Son of God forgives his brother, and thus forgives himself.”
The Course says that perception has a mighty purpose when we give it to God.
Perception is the means of the ego and of the world.
The Course says knowledge is of God and perception and knowledge don’t overlap except in the situations where we give perception to God to heal.
Since perception and knowledge generally don’t overlap, then that can feel like a desperate situation where we have no way to get to God. When we allow the Holy Spirit to intercede on our behalf, then we allow our minds to come as close to God’s Knowledge as we can.
The Course says that we have a way of getting ourselves to the hand of God by our forgiveness.
When we make forgiveness our state of mind, then we use forgiveness to heal whatever relationships need healing- like for ourselves or for others. Then we end up getting a shift in our consciousness. The forgiveness allows us to heal whatever rifts we have in our minds with the world and other people and even ourselves. The Course says our purpose is to forgive perception.
We use our perception to make a constant application of forgiving what we see.
Thus, all of the struggles we have in our perceptions become completely anew and happy even though Jesus even says in this lesson that our perceptions actually don’t exist.
The Course says perception has a mighty purpose when we use it for God. Then we shift our perception to the one energy that is of God and it is healed.
This use of forgiveness is the purpose of time itself- the Course says.
We get to that place of God and God’s Knowledge when we use our perception for the purpose of forgiveness.
We come to the most fully healed place that we can be and still be human.
Then, we are at peace because our perception is healed and we no longer struggle over what we see.
It is helpful to understand that perceptions don’t exist as a general rule so we don’t get to that place of getting upset about them.
Jesus reminds us to not be upset about the world because it is not real and this helps us to get less triggered when events happen that seem disturbing.
Our seeing the world as not real helps us take the pressure down a peg when we are stressed.
The beautiful thing is when we see the world as not real so we are not invested in the outcomes and then, simultaneously, show up to forgive all we see.