ACIM Lesson 42

Lesson 42: “God is my strength.  Vision is His gift.”

The Course reminds us to look for our strength within and through our perspective shift. 

The world thinks that things make us powerful. 

But this is surely wrong.  The world thinks control over everything is desired.

The Course reminds us that we have the God- given gift of perspective when we choose to use it.

We have this incredible gift that always provides us with a feeling and sense of alignment with God when we remember that we want it for ourselves and we feel moved to make that happen. 

The vision is from the Holy Spirit and the Course says that the Holy Spirit is that part of God energy that is available for us to call on for guidance and help.  

We have this part of God at our beck and call.

We just need to be willing to call on Him.

The vision of God is exactly what we need to be the walking miracle. 

When we let ourselves ask to the Holy Spirit for direction, then we have a happy picture of life.  The Holy Spirit’s vision may not change the way a situation looks physically, but it absolutely changes the way we feel about it and how we see it.

That is all it needs for us to have the experience that the situation has in fact changed.

The vision of the Holy Spirit is exactly what we need to get to the place where we no longer suffer over what we see because we know we can rise above the battleground. 

We can just know with the Holy Spirit that we are perfect and the situation is perfect and then remember all we have to do is forgive if we forget how to love it as it is. 

Then, we become the living and breathing miracle.

Then all we do feels good because we are doing it with God. 

This is why vision is all we need to make a whole shift in our consciousness to one of lightness and peace, even if we  have moments that feel drama-filled. 

We just need to do our parts in asking the Holy Spirit for help.  This always works.


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