Sunday, January 18, 2015
Lesson 18: “I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing.”
Jesus teaches over and over in the Course that we are all affected by group consciousness. We all impact each other simply via energy and thoughts. That can feel like a reality hard to manage since that means everyone is listening and hearing each other at the intention level. And that also means we are hugely affected simply when people relay thoughts. It seems hard to believe at some level. The world negates this kind of thinking, relegates that kind of thinking to fantasy.
It might seem a little startling when we aren’t well versed with this simple fact. But when I stop and think about it, on another level, this seems obvious to me. I know I have had and do have experiences of feeling people’s energy and emotions before they speak. I can sometimes predict accurately what they might say when I have been tuning into their intention state. To me from my own experiences like this, I can’t imagine that the world is any other way than the Course proposes.
Sometimes I forget for a moment. But when we stay vigilant at remembering this always then we can feel grateful that we can connect with each other in this way. We can be grateful because this is the way we can experience in truth that we are never alone. We are always joined by the energy that holds us as a unit and organizes the Universe.
We are charged in this lesson with taking responsibility for acting in ways that support our brothers and sisters from forgetting God’s purpose as our internal focus. The way we take responsibility is by setting out to share in our minds, whether or not our bodies go as well, this feeling of certainty and love. We have the power to choose in our own intention the joy and fullness of sharing energetically God’s grace. And we can know with certainty that all will be served from this act of random kindness.
We are blessed with this incredible opportunity to heal the distance and heal any suffering that our brothers and sisters may feel simply by being willing to extend love in our minds to them. We can have faith that they will be gifted with the way out of their own temporary hell.
We are asked to understand this lesson and teaching, bless it and learn to find our own comfort with living within this knowing. Know that God always has a plan for us and this energetic connection within the Universe is part of the brilliance of being able to communicate instantaneously. The Course teaches us to give up our old ideas about time and space and realize with God’s purpose in the works, they hold no meaning. Even if we don’t understand it all now, let’s keep this lesson fresh in our memory.