Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Lesson 314: “What is the Last Judgement?”  “I seek a future different from the past.”

What we are learning from the Course is the way to be honest with ourselves.  We often tell our minds that we are seeking a future that is an improvement on the past.  Many of us feel unsatisfied about what happened in the past.  The ego likes to complain and undoubtedly the ego has whispered a word or two in our minds of snarls and jibes about what we perceived happened before.  The egos pay lip service to getting this changed.  Thus, we are apt to listen to our egos.  It seems the easiest thing to do.

But what the Course is teaching us is we have to get out of the mind state that we have been in order to truly change the future from what happened before.  The ego always says that it can fix the problem.  The ego has a tool belt therefore we often think it looks capable of fixing the problem.  What the Course teaches us that we absolutely have to wholly step out of that whole paradigm.  What we are learning is how to do something totally different.  When we bring the ego mind set with us then the ego gets repeated in physical form.  What the Course says is that we have to be willing to step out entirely of that old familiar insanity.

That is the absolutely only way to make the future different from the past.  We have to not bring that ego energy with us.  When we are willing to stop bringing our old ideas about the way life works and how we can live it, then there is open space within us where we can integrate something totally different.  This is the way to do it with God.  When we are accepting of giving up our previous way of thinking then we can truly have a future that is off the charts in terms of peace and abundant joy.  When we let our energy change into a focus on God then we can undo any error in our minds.  Then as our minds clear, we can just notice what comes.  When we bring fresh Godly energy to the equation, everything else follows suit.  Our minds will be clear and magnetize this amazing experience in the world as that’s the way the world works.  However, we have to accept that we are willing to exchange what we had in the ego’s insanity and replace it with the perfection of God.  This is the way to allow the happy dream to be ours.

This lesson says, “Who can grieve or suffer when the present has been freed, extending its peace and security into a quiet future filled with joy?”  This simply reminds us that the present is bound by nothing.  Our emotional intoxication or our attachment to our pain is a vanishing dream.  Nothing can prevent us from living fully in the present and living through the joy that is rightfully ours at each moment.  This is the gift of God, this security, certainty and peace.  We are given all that we might ever hope for in life.  This is ours when we connect to our willingness to stay in the present.  The present is freed from all that we thought hurt us.  That means there is nothing in the present that can sway us into perceiving any amount of the insanity around us and within us.  It is all just a false nightmare that has been wished away and completely negated by the power of God’s Word- therefore, nothing can in any way injure us.


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