Monday, February 1, 2016

Lesson 32: “I have invented the world I see.”

The Course teaches us to live in cooperation with ourselves.  We are always in conflict within and therefore unhappy when we don’t realize that we have the power to change our minds and thus impact the quality of our lives.  The Course says that we want to ideally be aligned emotionally and behaviorally and intentionally.  When we stay aligned within our selves and also aligned with God-Mind and God energy then we can be at peace.  This is the way to live in cooperation with all parts of ourselves.  This is the way to live in harmony.

The Course teaches us how to pay attention to our own mind and our own thinking because this is the way to create our own peace.  When there is no part of ourselves acting and feeling in conflict with any other then we truly can feel great lightness and joy.  We don’t feel burdened with a mind at war within.  This always works.  Getting to this place of alignment within is a process for sure, sometimes it can feel like a bit of work to get to this place.  But the amazing thing is that it always works when we apply God’s principles and we stay committed to assert our own willingness to get our thinking in perfect alignment with God.

The beauty is that peace is possible.  Therefore we don’t have to spend our energy trying to find a way to get to peace.  It is all within our reach instantly when we realize the truth that it never left us.  This is the happiest news we can ever hear.  We just have to show up and choose.
The Course gives us a perfectly possible and definitely sure route to eternal peace and joy.  All we have to do is do our part and stay committed to the process of recognizing we are already healed and whole.  The Course show us in the workbook that this invention of ours of the world just keeps us preoccupied with the insanity that is projected and therefore manifested into the world.   We simply need to take a further step in our mind’s undoing to get to the peace which is our eventual destiny.  We need to realize that the world is all part of this illusion in which we find ourselves temporarily in the world.

The Course simply and plainly points out that we are the only ones out there.  There may seem to be a world and people outside of us but the truth is that there is nothing out there but me and God.  Everything else is just an error in our thinking.  We are invited to be open to accepting our part in creating the world.  When we come to the conclusion that the world means nothing truly then we can get to a place of non attachment about it.  We can learn how to live in the world through a sense of non-attachment all the time.  We get to the place of being able to live and function in the world, while we always understand that we world is just a reflection of a moment of our own insanity when we made it up. The Course says the world is not real so we can get to a point of releasing our ego’s want to control the world and make it a picture of how we believe we want to be.  We are learning to forgive the world for being insane but also not buy into our perception of intense suffering there.

We are learning how to undo our obsession of trying to control the world.  This simply requires a shift in our consciousness to one where we are willing to take responsibility for our own thinking that leads of off beam from a Godly perspective.  This is a an amazing way to live.  We learn that in giving up what we think we see in the world then we can release our attraction to the pain in the world.  This is our happy way out of our own inner hell when we simply stand up and take responsibility for our own role in the way the world gets created.  When we see that it is our mind that makes it all then we can be equally free to change our thinking into something we would prefer to live instead of the word of chaos and dispair.


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