ACIM Lesson 46

Lesson 46: “God is the Love in which I forgive.”  

The Course is teaching us a totally new way to forgive. 

The world’s forgiveness is always stacked high with that unpleasant feelings that we “should” forgive because we are supposed to. 

Then our forgiveness gets so troublesome because we are always carrying it with a heavy heart.

We feel like forgiveness is our chore because the world says we are supposed to act in certain ways to maintain relationships.

The problem with the world’s forgiveness is that we are burdened in giving it, we are burdened in receiving it. 

Forgiveness carries the expectation that we will do some certain thing.  That is why we avoid the world’s forgiveness- because it is too heavy to carry in our minds and energy and behavior.

We want to avoid the world’s forgiveness because it is incredibly loaded.  

The Course gives us forgiveness that is completely free from any”‘should’s.”

We are not required to forgive so there is no pressure from that external “should” to make a gesture of forgiveness. 

The Course reminds us that forgiveness comes with Love and this changes everything. 

Our “should’s” melt away because we instead have this extraordinary exercise in Love.

We get to forgive knowing that we are blessed in getting to give forgiveness and we are blessed in receiving forgiveness.  

When our forgiveness is based in Love, then all the expectation around the forgiveness completely disappears.

Our forgiveness then becomes light and happy and easy. 

When our forgiveness has Love at its foundation, then our forgiveness becomes our own gift to ourselves. 

We delight in getting to forgive because it brings our hearts in alignment with God.  God’s version of forgiveness means we get to be happy in the process.

We let forgiveness be the thing we look forward to because it gets our minds back in sync with God- to an elevated consciousness. 

Our remembering forgiveness has Love within it, gives us a gentle and delicate approach to forgiving.

When we feel like we should forgive, then this has a very rigid energy to it.

Forgiveness with Love instead is quite a healing energy as it creates a soft, pliant energy, because it has the perfect Love of God’s within it.


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