ACIM Lesson 47

Lesson 47: “God is the strength in which I trust.”

This lesson says, “You must also gain an awareness that confidence in your real strength is fully justified in every respect and in all circumstances.” 

This sentence perfectly describes how to think of our certainty. 

The Course teaches us at length about the importance of having certainty all the time.  We get to have the assurance that God is with us and caring for us in every circumstance.

We get the assurance that God knows exactly what is the best thing to happen to us in our lives and we are totally fortunate that God is always making our reality exactly as it is meant to be. 

That is why we can feel so certain.

When everything in our reality is going exactly as it should, we can sit and relax and enjoy the party, instead of getting mired in drama and our own inflexibility. 

We can absolutely trust God simply because God is perfect and therefore, is totally trustworthy.

That is why we can simply not worry about whether God will keep His promises.  He is always worthy of our trust because God likes being perfect and is totally good at being perfect therefore, there is no reason God would fail us.

Therefore, we can stand back and just let things happen as they will and have a light mind in the process because we have God’s amazing Will to live and breathe.  

We must first understand how God is totally trustworthy for all the reasons I just mentioned.

Then our job is to sit and feel this energy. 

As God is perfect, and that everything that is happening is God’s perfect Will, and so we can sit and feel totally confident in our minds.  We have no reason not to feel totally buoyed up.

We just enjoy the feeling that we are worthy and that God is always in the best way, so we can feel absolutely sure that everything is fine and good. 

And if this is the case, then we have every reason to feel quite confident.  The certainty feeling is that awareness that we have a perfect confidence because God Wills for us every favor.

We want to have that constant awareness of our confidence.

I think the awareness of it also makes it more palpable and more present for us. 

This is why it is a helpful step in establishing our certainty.  And also our certainty rests on God’s perfect Love and support and guidance.

When we have no fear or anxiety whatsoever that God will come through then we can totally sit and trust God to be exactly as we want God to be.  

Then all we have to do is appreciate that our certainty is entirely reliant on God’s Love which is never changing in any way.  We don’t do anything in terms of following the ego’s insanity.

The ego is always a rocky road. 

This is why we must simply appreciate that we don’t want to allow our ego to be in charge.  We simply want to remember that when the ego is in charge, it is always a nightmare.  This then gives us every reason to choose God’s reality that is perfect and unchanging.


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