Lesson 61: “I am the light of the world.”
This lesson say, “It is not humility to insist you cannot be be the light of the world if that is the function God assigned to you.”
When we listen to the ego, the ego tells us that we are not saved, that God does not love us, and that we have no important role to play in the salvation of the world.
The ego says that it is arrogance to think we could be so grand as to have the love and favor of God.
The ego says that humans are flawed and totally guilty because we are sinners.
We believe the worst of things when we listen to the ego. And furthermore, this totally impairs how functional we can possibly be in the world when we believe we have no esteem or value. Then, we end up not being able to function there simply because the ego’s opinion of us seems very right to the insane mind we live with.
The ego has this false idea that somehow it is preferable to pretend we are not worthy enough to play a significant role in the salvation of the world, and therefore, it is not appropriate for us to play this role.
The ego makes us believe that we are not good enough to play a part in healing the world.
Society says that humility is when we act like we are meek and and never with the certainty to proclaim that we are given the amazing role of being saviors.
Somehow the ego thinks that we are expected to act like we are in no way essential to the plan.
The ego unfortunately totally gets into an error when our egos think that they have the right opinion of how humility is supposed to be.
Our humility, in the Course’s teaching, is where we accept with gratitude and enthusiasm, in a grounded way.
We accept with a sense of true certainty- that it is our gift to ourselves and gift to the world- but also with the knowing that everyone is equally blessed to have the same role.
That is why no one is seen as better than anyone else. This heals our sense of separation from each other when we know we are all equally loved. This is why we can feel great to be saviors but not better than another because that competition is the ego’s unwanted contribution.
The reason the Course’s humility is different is because it doesn’t have that quality of debasing us.
This is an enormous difference. The world’s humility is where we are not good enough and are lesser than we are supposed to be in God’s truth.
The Course’s humility is also where we are simply joining in God’s Will for us.
If God says we are worthy of saving the world then if we say that this is incorrect in the false sense of the ego’s humility, we are actually telling God we know more than God does.
This has to be the biggest amount of arrogance!
This is why we must be simply open to accepting that God gives us the role of saving the world because God wants it that way.
Thus, we are just asked to take it in and allow it to be true. This is the true way to be humble, to accept God’s wishes for us.
The Course says specifically that we can enjoy God’s humility where we have the knowing that we are totally blessed and perfect and sinless in the process of all we do.
This is why we bring our salvation with us because it is the simple knowing that God loves us and shares His awesome and perfect love with us so that we can be awesome and perfect as well.
Our salvation is always intact and within us because it is the simple recognition that we are already in union with God all the time.