Lesson 107 Laurie’s Reflections

Friday, April 17, 2015

Lesson 107: “Truth will correct all errors in my mind.”

The Course teaches us that we have not sinned and so we are not guilty.  Most of us live from our ego’s view all or most of the time and the ego is full of judgement and so makes us infinitely fallible because we have fallen from grace.  What happens in the world is that our guilt can be our undoing.  When we walk around with a sense of guilt all the time we are in essence attacking ourselves because we believe we are bad.  When we attack ourselves, then as a result of the guilt, we are believing in and making real the attack within us and also as a reflection around us in the world.

The Course is not like typical religions that believe that we have fallen from the grace of God and therefore deserve the guilt and punishment.  This means the Course takes a very gentle approach to undoing our belief in being a sinner.  When we live in guilt, this is always in the long run unpleasant and unsettling because our sense of guilt and nature of sinfulness is also the backbone of our low self esteem.  When we believe in our sinful nature, we will never be happy or peaceful.

This is why we must be grateful to the Course for taking a totally different approach and teaching us how to exist in peace.  The Course says that the notion of our “sinning” simply never happened.  Jesus wants us here to not have any guilt of any sort.  Jesus is teaching us that guilt is what makes us miserable so we have to understand fully it is unreal because it never happened.

Jesus tells us here that we make mistakes, but these are simply errors.  These mistakes make absolutely no impact on how lovable we are or on our direct ticket to salvation and getting to heaven.  Thus, we have nothing to worry about when we simply allow error to be what happened in our lives.  And so to begin with we see that we did nothing but make an error.  Nothing of consequence because God still loves us as much as ever.

Then, our job is to simply get out of the habit of being guilty once we realize we have no reason to be guilty.  All we have to do to remedy the error is allow God’s message and energy of truth be the salve that heals any error in judgement.  God is happy to provide us with the very best and perfect healing where we thought we got off beam.  God is thrilled to offer any support and way to remind us that God’s truth never left us.


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