Lesson 116: “God’s Will for me is perfect happiness. “I share God’s Will for happiness for me.”
I love the simplicity of the Course’s message.
I love that Jesus’s teachings are very plain and simple. Our job is to be happy. That is it.
We are not asked to do anything else.
If we just absorb this message, we are getting all we truly need out of the Course and out of our lives.
Happiness is really hard to come by in the world, if we forget to include God, and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in the mix.
The world looks and feels stark, raving mad if we forget about God.
Suffering abounds there when the ego is in the ruler’s position.
We are asked to be happy, and this also just conveniently happens to be the only way to do things with God.
God and happiness come as a unit and a team.
We just need to remember that we are always given the gift of sight beyond the ego’’s reach.
We get to perceive everything in the world as love or a call for love, both of which end in love as the result.
Think about that for a perspective! I say, “Sign me up!!! I’ll do it if it works!”
God wants us to enjoy everything in the world as we go. This means we have to take the high road.
We have to see miracles in every waking moment or we will suffer the world’s warring nature, which results in our pure misery.
God gives us this one instruction.
God just wants us to be happy, and the moment we are happy, we are automatically doing things with God, because only the high road makes us happy.
This why God is thrilled when we are happy, because that is the road that we walk with Him specifically.
So we can take “unite with God” off the to do list, as soon as we get happy, because we are in fact doing this for and with Him.
So, one more accomplishment on the list.
When we forget about what the Course teaches about God, then, we end up at war with the world and the ego, because we think we are sinful and are guilty.
Then, we are miserable, because we have these attack thoughts, and this low vibration gets us out of the flow of God’s elevated Energy.
We just need to remember that we are totally innocent forever, because God declares it so.
That means the party is happening now.
We just need to realize we can join at any time, with simply the reminder that we are invited to do the most fun things in life, with God.
We just have to remember that our happiness is God’s wish and only wish for us.
That means I can make it my business to get on board with God’s Will for me and all, because that is the most amazing feeling and life possible.
This is the most wonderful truth and reality, that God wants just to be happy.
It is definitely something I think it is good to sit with for a while.
That may seem so foreign to the egos’ wishes for us, it may take a moment of getting in rhythm with this wish, before we can totally let it sink in.
God says His Will of happiness for us will never change, because God is the Master Creator, who has a full prospective on the plan at hand. Just take that in with delight!
All love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed acupuncture