Lesson 356: “What am I?” “Sickness is but another name for sin. Healing is but another name for God. The miracle is thus a call to Him.”

Remember that our sins are unreal and, therefore, have no power to affect us.

We can never suffer over our ego’s puzzle that we are sinners and are guilty, so our task is to keep this notion at bay, not worry about it.

When we realize these things are unreal, our lives become infinitely more manageable and joyful because we do not go into suffering.

Knowing we are always innocent means sickness disappears when we allow it to. All we need to do is not allow the illness because we discover we can manage it considerably better when we do.

Healing from any sickness is one of God’s instructions and plans, so we need to allow this to be true, and we discover sins and diseases disappear when we permit them to leave and no longer suffer about them.

God loves us infinitely; He ensures we are innocent and that our guilt about previous sinful behavior disappears when we allow it to. God’s infinite gilt of abundance in the world and His undying devotion make our lives miraculous because we enjoy it all.

God’s Love makes every day full of promise; we need to allow God’s abundance and Presence and make it all full of peace and promise. So, knowing we get full advantage of God’s favor is one reason to celebrate life.

We can eliminate sickness in physical form sometimes when God allows it, but remember that our thinking creates our physical reality, so make sure to watch our minds and counter with no resistance when we forget to watch our minds and catch them in the act of being unhelpful or even crazy so we do not manifest into the world our challenges within.

Be on task to undo our foolish thinking, which is successful if allowed. So stay on the program.

All Love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed Acupuncture


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