ACIM Lesson 102

Lesson 109: I rest in God.”

The Course reminds us of this relationship we have with God that is so nurturing. 

We have a God who reminds us that we are safe, and ultra-nourished, and given all the comfort in the world. 

God’s deal with us extends to include the following- all the physical, as well as the emotional, and spiritual modes of comfort.

God supplies this all the time, to the nth degree. 

We get to have this ultra- extraordinarily talented Entity- called God- to be our parent. 

God is permanently the most emotionally-gifted parent ever. 

We are guaranteed to have God treat us EXACTLY as we want, in our wildest dreams.

Thus, we can count on God- filling in all the amazing details- that we truly want- to help us survive and thrive in the world.

This is huge!!!!!  It doesn’t get better than this!!

God is so extraordinarily gifted, as the Parent we absolutely want, because He meets our every dream with a perfect touch. 

The Course goes through lengths to describe the details about how God is going to take care of us now and always.  

The only problem we ever had is that we forgot that God is so amazing, and that God has guaranteed both our inherent innocence and also our lovability. 

That means that we are forever safe, because when we really remember our innocence, we have no attack thoughts within, so we will attract fewer attack thoughts and attack realities in the world. 

The likelihood that we will end up with more attack in that scenario, then, is drastically reduced. 

And when we know how much God loves us, we will feel so great about ourselves that our energy will be drastically increased, and elevated, because God always provides us with the His Energetic, potent power. 

This comes in the form of His Supremely high thoughts and Energy and Presence. 

Then, when we remember God, our energy also goes way high, because this is the nature of how the Universe works.  

All of our energy, and thoughts, and all of our behavior gets projected out to the world, and so we end up with more of the same of what is in us.

This is the best reason to get on board immediately with simply remembering God’s Love and forgiveness. 

Shift into it, and then, getting into the groove of ease is the given result.

All love,

Laurie Prezbindowski

Licensed acupuncture


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