Lesson 80: “Let me recognize my problems have been solved.”

When we experience the world, we can panic when we feel quite struck at our difficulties there. 

We have that reaction of feeling completely stumped.

We freeze and have no way to solve what we see, and we have no way to not suffer over what we perceive.  

The Course teaches us that there is a magical solution that always works when we are faced with trauma and drama we don’t know how to manage. 

We have God with us and giving us His solution.  The Course says we always have our problems solved because the ego can never take control of God and God’s purpose.

The Course says that we only have one problem. 

We all have the exact same problem, no matter how many varied situations we appear to find ourselves.

It may appear to be fresh or new on the surface, but truly all of the situations we find ourselves are simply the ego’s old familiar guilt.

The ego says that we separated from God and this is why we feel so guilty all the time.

The Course teaches us that the ego obtained and ingrained the message and information that God got separated from us in the human experience of going to the earth to live. 

This is exactly why we all have so much unchecked guilt.

It all comes from this fantasy that we let God down and somehow got separated from Him.

The Course reminds us that this notion is entirely preposterous. 

We have the guarantee that God and we could never separate in the first place because God sticks to His plan and God never will have problems with remaining connected. 

Therefore, we don’t have to worry or wonder whether God is still right within our minds and hearts filling our minds with Love and certainty.  God says there is no other possibility in which for us to live.

God asks us to rely on this love and devotion from God because it is secure and true. 

We just have to appreciate that God already said there is nothing that can pry us apart because God is true to His word always.

The Course says all of our problems actually don’t even exist because God already told us that the only question that could be of any importance to us really is- that God would never separate Himself from us. 

This simply would never happen because God loves us so much.  We have the guarantee that God is always within us.  Then, when we think into any real depth in our minds we see that nothing else in the world truly matters except that we remain connected to God.

We just need to hold the world with a mind of non attachment, we must let go of our obsessions with the world. 

We are asked to not make the world’s gifts more than they are- just temporary lights .  We just need to remember that God’s gift to us of staying totally connected and the idea that we are always united with God means more to us than anything else, if we just sit and think about it for a second.

Since we can have the frame of mind that God would never separate from us, because God loves us too much, then we can sit and bask in our certainty.  When we simply allow this information into our minds, then we totally shift energetically.  Because Jesus tells us in the Course that our only problem is that we think we separated from God, and yet this in no way could ever happen, and did not happen yet, then, we have every reason to celebrate.

This means necessarily the end of our problems and the end of that mentality where we thought problems were possible.  

This remembering our problems are not possible allows us to tread more lightly with the ego’s thinking. 

All the sudden, there is nothing to worry about, and we are one hundred percent sure that we have all of God’s love and devotion, then our experience of worldly problems ceases to be so intense.  

We don’t experience them so poignantly because there is that part of us that is remembering that our problems are not real and also don’t actually exist in the first place.


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