Lesson 61: “I am the light of the world.”
We get to dance around the world with light steps.
We can frolic blissfully with delicate strides of certainty because it is our option to do so.
The light step completely changes every waking moment because we sail over the battleground unscathed.
We march right up to God with that incredible knowing that God loves us infinitely and invites us to the Kingdom all the time because God sees us as sinless.
We have nothing wrong with us.
The ego’s old song about our being irreparable is a false illusion and has zero truth to it.
We are given the gift of God’s Get-Out- of-Jail- Free card for all time.
We never have to settle for anything less than all miracles because we are the children and most beloved heirs of God.
All of us are in these extraordinary positions and there are never any more favored people in God’s Kingdom because God loves perfectly since He is perfect.
This means there is never an instant of lack in God.
The Kingdom is the one where we get to bliss out every day, in exceptional gratitude, with clear and genuine forgiveness of the world- because forgiveness is the only remedy the world needs in order to heal truly.
All we have to do is show up and claim our right to God’s perfect happy dream that we are entitled to- and this is why we are the light of the world.
God gives us every reason to change our attitudes of drudgery, to ones of amazing comfort and promise and infinite ways of kindness.
We are given the permission by God to simply accept that we and our lives can and will always be the perfect expressions of the way to hold God’s hand.
Thus. our claiming we are the light of the world is just part of our awakening.
We just forgot the good news.
We just need to be kind to ourselves when we forget.
Be kind and forgiving but equally certain and sure that we will accept no less from ourselves than identifying with this miraculous position as God’s most favored Loves.
We just need to remember to stay on task and let it be easy because we can if we let it be.
All Love,
Laurie Prezbindowski
Licensed Acupuncturist