Lesson 76: “I am under no laws but God’s.”

The world pulls us into its laws. 

Our every breath and every move is seemingly bound by what the world has taught us is true. 

The world’s ideology totally limits us because it says that these laws in the world remain steadfast and true all the time, no matter what else is happening.

Then we think the world will respond or be a certain way because we have these seemingly logical laws that inform us-in a feedback loop- about how whatever it is will respond. 

Our belief in the validity of laws totally restricts our experience in the world.

We just settle for understanding very little of possibility because we always assume the laws are concrete and absolutely can’t move or change. 

This concreteness just makes us forget that possibility exists outside of the world’s tiny book of rules.

The Course asks us to simply get into God’s energy and God’s laws. 

God is always teaching us that we are totally off the charts in terms of what we can do.

We are not limited by anything in the world because we are God’s very own children and He has a perfect capacity to do anything and everything. 

We can’t even imagine the degree to which God is unlimited, simply because we are humans and have a completely limited experience as humans. 

We can’t even fathom a little bit how grand God is.

That is why we are asked to sit and simply open our minds and energy to the possibility of God’s greatness. 

Our job is to not judge God or predetermine how God is but rather stay out of the way as much as possible when we are engaging in our thinking about God or in our awareness of God. 

We just allow God to be whatever God wants to be, and do nothing but sit and be present with God in the process. 

This is the best way to get ourselves out of the habit of assuming everything is totally small and definite.

We are asked to instead not allow the ego to run up and insist God to be any certain way.


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