Lesson 77: “I am entitled to miracles.”

The miracle is a shift in consciousness. 

It is utterly simple.

We don’t have to go to extraordinary measures to make it happen. 

It can be in this exact instant.

The Course says that the instant is a holy instant when we devote it to God’s purpose. 

And God’s purpose is to share and feel loved and appreciated.  The miracle is totally easy and straightforward.  It is just in our thoughts and energy that we feel the miracle.  We don’t necessarily see the miracle in some physical manifestation.

This can happen, but is not required to experience the miracle.

The miracle is just that memory that we are loved and lovable as the Course says.  

We just need in the miracle to bring love to a situation that appears to be a call for love. 

This is simply the manifestation of our willingness to be God’s purpose. 

We don’t have to change anything in form unless we feel called. 

We simply need to bless and accept and share through God’s Love. 

This is why the miracle always works to bless when we bring our own healed consciousness. 

We just need to feel the miracle and we become the miracle and then we share through our exuding God’s energy and Presence.

This heals the masses in a profound way if nothing else changes in form.

We can trust that simply bringing the memory of our lovability changes everything in the situation in question. 

This is why the miracle is the most ordinary thing, because we all are capable of bringing the miracle to all situations that appear to be a call for love.  Therefore, the miracle is not a big to- do.  It is a simple thought that nothing is ever wrong. We just need to feel this and know this and our energy becomes a powerfully healing force.

The miracle is something we are all entitled to. 

Jesus tells us that we are children of God and therefore we are all equally blessed.  

We are all equally loved and cherished and supported by God.

Therefore, we can expect and just sit and enjoy all the most wonderful things, because this is simply what the children of God are destined to do. 

That is as simple as it gets.  We just have to hear this news and accept it.

Accepting it is the toughest part.  We have this ego voice in us that insists we are not worth the effort of even thinking this way, thinking a particular thought.

Our egos think we are worth absolutely nothing, and therefore, should just settle for the worst of what we see because this is our only option. 

The Course tells us all the time that we simply made a mistake. 

We made a grave error in thinking we separated from God and somehow made him angry.  Angry enough to reject us from our own destiny of salvation.

This is such a funny error.  

We can simply laugh about it because it is so preposterous. 

We can giggle and then cozy up with God Who adores us and just be so grateful that we now through the Course, have gotten the correct information. 

We made a big mistake.  That was all.

We don’t have to do anything to fix it in the world’s form. 

There is nothing in the world that need to be fixed, no matter how it looks.  We just have to fix that crazy mind set we acquired in the moments we forgot our blessing of being God’s most cherished.


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