Lesson 75: “The light has come.”
This lesson says, “Rejoice in the power of forgiveness to heal your sight completely.”
The problem is always in our own minds when we forget to forgive.
Forgiving other people is paramount to restoring our inner peace and maintaining other relationships with others. Forgiving others gets us out of that mentality that we must be right about everything.
This is the first step in serenity.
We want to just give serenity a chance in our minds.
We also need to forgive ourselves.
This is the only way to heal anything, attacks with others or within ourselves.
We have to start in our own minds first because this is always where the attack energy starts when we judge and hold grievances of any kind.
The self-forgiveness is the necessary way to get out of whatever problem the ego appears to see. The ego always makes false vision and we simply need to forgive this so it will stop bothering us.
The forgiveness allows us to stop going around the merry-go-round in our minds where we are obsessed with getting a particular outcome.
Forgiveness allows us to open our minds to God and love because we get off the ego’s high horse and simply acknowledge that God is there instead.
All problems come from any lack of forgiveness. We just need to stay on the task of forgiving.
This is the way to free our minds when we rely on forgiveness only and not on the world’s crutches.
The ego has a rigid mentality, about everything. There is nothing healed about the ego.
The Course instructs us to sit and give the ego to God for safekeeping and to be infused with the love of God as we know it.
This then shifts the ego. Love always cures the ego’s rigidity and resistance because it is the salve that shifts all the blocks to something that feels and looks totally cured.
We see that love heals whatever the ego’s problems are.
This is true.
But we need to get there first.
Sometimes when we see the world’s insanity, it looks a bit too much to be able to surrender to God with just our free will.
The Course reminds us that it can all feel overwhelming and beyond our capacity to surrender to God’s altar.
But the truth is that God is always completely happy to help us out.
We just need to pray and invite the Holy Spirit to sit with us and teach us how to pray.
We ask how to get on our knees.
We are lucky when we feel so stuck in the world in questioning how do we surrender the ego.
We can feel utterly grateful because this can feel beyond difficult, and we just need to be willing to feel how desperate we are.
When we allow the feeling to wash over us, then we come into greater grips with that serenity buried deep within us.
We may not know how to access it usually, but we can just sit and notice how we feel. We pray and sit with God.