Lesson 110: “I am as God created me.” 

This lesson says, “His Son can suffer nothing.  And I am His Son.”  We are learning to remember our part in the Sonship.  God has declared that all of us are His most beloved children.  We are all His direct descendants and therefore, can in no way be harmed or injured.  God created us from His own energy.  That is why we are invulnerable.  God is perfectly contained and perfectly sustained- as God is simply always in a position of being in a totally supreme state of Mind, and thus out of harm’s way.

This is the nature of God as the unparalleled Entity.

This is why we are always totally in the best position we could possibly be in as God’s children.

We get the benefit of being certain that we are safe because God so gave us the same energy of His supreme Self. 

This means that we are God’s children and we are all totally fortunate in this respect because we all gain a feeling of invulnerability since we are made from the same energy as God.

Therefore, we are totally safe and we can then rest in our certainty because we are all in no way threatened. 

Then, we can come to each situation with the certainty of knowing that all is well in the world’s circumstances and therefore, there is never a need to react with some idea- the judgement- that we would be better off in another situation.

God always takes care of whatever we need and want to have because God takes care of all of what matters most to us.  Therefore, we are always in the happy state of being able to meet situations- even that are difficult- with no judgement because we are affirmed that God is tending to all that we need for it to be in reality none other than the perfect scenario for us.  All we have to do is trust that God has a plan and that we are simply playing whatever role God chose for us.

Therefore, there is never a need for us to suffer in doubt.  

When we just rest in our certainty we can feel great because we aren’t worried about everything or we aren’t upset about anything because God’s certainty appeases our minds.  When we can rest in God’s certainty, then we simply can approach all of the world’s challenges with a clarity of purpose because we are not focusing on multiple agendas.  In this case, we are powerful in our choice to live in God’s plan according to what we are meant to do here.

This then means we don’t suffer in any way because our mind is committed to just one path. 

When we commit to God, we then realize that all other paths just lead us away from the simple truth that when we choose God, we are happily engaged in the most perfect agenda we could ever find for ourselves in life.

We learn in the Course how to bury the hatchet that we keep in the ego mind. 

We are learning that when we remember that we are infinitely blessed as God’s children then nothing can give us reason to squirm over any story of woe the world.

Nothing can get its hooks in our sides because nothing affects us in any intense or lasting way.  This is because we simply choose to not suffer over anything.  We watch our minds and we remind ourselves of our worth and that God totally loves us as we are.

Then we learn a deeper forgiveness for ourselves and the world and other people. 

We have all these tools that allow us to simply clear our minds of any attachment to suffering and we are encouraged to use them instantly when we find our minds going into attack mode toward anyone.  Nothing can truly affect us because the power of God’s Love reigns over all challenges.  All we have to do is sit in our certainty and realize that God’s Love is the basis of our certainty.  This is why we are never truly hurt nor truly suffer over anything.

We sometimes just forget.  We may need a gentle nudge.


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