Lesson 33: “There is another way of looking at the world.” 

When we are sitting there completely suffering over something that we perceive as wrong in the world, nothing feels worse than that feeling- it is like being beaten in our hearts and minds. 

When we suffer, we suffer.

We are completely miserable when this happens, and we want to get out of the suffering as quickly as possible because we feel such an intense level of pain. 

The Course is giving us instructions to just get out of the nightmare.

When we see the world that causes us to suffer, then we are automatically judging it. 

That judgement is attack energy, and most certainly is the cause of our suffering.

The Course says we can change it.

We just need to realize when we feel terrible, and just stay with the process of changing it, because we are totally not happy and peaceful when we feel this way. 

All we need to do is realize this for what it is, and not bury it within us, in the ego’s blanket of numbness. 

We just need to bring to that honest place within ourselves, where we are open to being honest and authentic.

 We just need to be willing to bring it into that open space within us, and allow it to be heard within our hearts.  We listen attentively, and then, we allow it the comfort of being heard.

Then, we come with the simple wish to see something different in ourselves.

Once we are in the authentic place, where we are not denying this suffering, then, we simply remember that there is another option than the ego’s.

This is all we need to do.  Nothing more.

God will do everything else.  We just need to remember to question whether we want to suffer in the ego’s way. 

This questioning allows God to sweep right in and take the next step of shifting our minds and energy. 

We have God to take care of any real effort. 

This is the way to solve that excruciating pain we are feeling.

This means we can get right out of the nightmare, and shift energetically into God’s, where there is true lightness and joy. 


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