Lesson 191:”I am the holy Son of God Himself.”

This lesson says, “I am the holy Son of God Himself.  I cannot suffer, cannot be in pain; I cannot suffer pain, loss, nor fail to do all that salvation asks.”  

The Course says that God is totally organized and before time began had His own plan that coordinates all the actions in our lives.  God planned for our lives to be exactly what they needed to be- the lessons we need to learn in this particular lifetime.

God doesn’t miss a step.  He has it all worked out and down to the very last stitch.

God has our very lives exactly spelled out.  God has a plan because God knows exactly what is the special purpose of each individual’s life and therefore, God knows the greater plan. 

God has the perfect sketch of exactly what we need to know to become the people we have always been meant to be.

God has a plan so that our lives may become the perfect expression of Love while we are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing.  The Course says that only God knows the greater good.

Only God knows how everyone’s life-lessons are meant to intersect so then people come and go from each other’s lives suitably. 

We also must trust that God has each move perfectly orchestrated so that we strike a chord with every individual we are meant to meet.  Only someone who knows all could possibly be capable of such a grand gesture.

God is all knowing and therefore, we learn from Him what is a suitable task for us.

The ego is incessantly complaining that the ego has some scoop about how to plan our lives.  

But really when we think about it more deeply this is insane.  There is no way that anyone but God could do the foreseeing required in coordinating what is meant to come.  The ego is a lost cause at doing this.  This is why we are asked to step aside and be firm in giving the ego the information that we are not willing to listen to its ravings.

The ego’s blather is all ridiculous and reckless. 

The ego is not God and this is obvious when we sit and see the situation with clarity.

God knows exactly what we are meant to do and only God as we just established.   Another very cool part to the Course says that we will do in our lives exactly what God wills for us.

Quite commonly we hear the ego say with a judging heart, we will not be able to do what God wills for us with whatever the arising set back might be.

We often give up and give in to the ego and feel guilty for missing the mark.

The ego lashes out at us with a totally encompassing guilt because the ego says that we will never be able to carry out what we might want for ourselves.  Jesus teaches us that our job is to realize that all we are doing is planned down to the last letter.  All we have to do is show up and do it.

We never need to feel guilty or inadequate for not measuring up to the ego’s standards.


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