Lesson 192: “I have a function God would have me fill.”

This lesson says, “Who can be set free while he imprisons anyone? A jailor is not free, for he is bound together with his prisoner.” 

We are so used to making everyone else in charge of whether we feel free.  We make other people the ones who determine how we feel and what we are able to accomplish.  The Course reminds us that this is an error.   We have to look to ourselves first.  If we don’t clear our minds first of all attack energy and disillusionment in terms of making ourselves the enemy then we never get to a place where we feel good.

We decide that others are the determiners of our fate because we fail to realize that our own looking within is where we find the answer- our salvation. 

We have to do this for ourselves first.

When make a clear choice to keep our own minds in alignment with God’s purpose, then we can consider how other people affect us and make us feel.  Then maybe get to a place where we try to alter in some manner how we relate to that other person.  We have to do the task of taking care of our own minds first or we never get to what we see outside of us in terms of our relationships with other people.

Our task is to look always at our own issues and triggers first and then give them to God. 

We need to give them space to be healed first.  Then we can make the effort to discover what is a better way to relate to our brothers and sisters.  We must have cleared our own inner sanctuary and made sure it is pure and unadulterated with no ego thoughts.  The Course says always do justice to our own minds first.  The way to make miracles in the world is when we stick to adjusting our thinking first and foremost and then make gestures that appear to be outward from our minds.

The Course says our task is to heal ourselves through creatively and eagerly giving our affairs to God.

However, then when we are ready with a clear mind- because we gave up all the attachment of suffering the ego likes-  then we can truly reach our brothers and sisters in an authentic way but also with a mind ready for miracles. 

We can bring light because we have already found this light in ourselves before anything else.  This is the way to bring peace to the masses because we have reconnected with our own innocence, which is always intact just often unnoticed.   Then we are available to meet our brother and sisters with an open heart that is uncluttered and unencumbered by insane thoughts of grief.

The Course reminds us that we want to take special notice that we are not imprisoning anyone within the inner walls of our minds.

When we hold a grievance with others, no matter how the grievance originated in the first place, whether the ego deems it justified, we always must give this right back to God’s altar. 

The Course says that we are meant to go hand in hand to Heaven with our brothers and sisters because we are meant to connect with that open, loving, joining energy we ideally have with them.  We are meant to love them no matter what.

The Course says pay special attention to the way we think of them and make sure we are not rejecting them because the ego has an objection with them.  We can enjoy being united with them or push them away.  The Course says that anger we harbor from slights from our loved ones on the path is the fuel for swaying us to want to imprison them.  Let these go because this is not a viable path to the Kingdom of God.

We must be willing to not be that jailor who is not willing to see above the battleground. 


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