Laurie’s Reflections

Lesson 50: “I am sustained by the Love of God.”  

My dictionary here says that “sustained” means “continuing for an extended period or without interruption.”

This means there is no stop to God’s Love.  This is the Love that gives us all the fuel with which we need to live.  We learn in the Course that our nourishment in the form of Love and certainty is the only thing we need from God and we have it all the time and we have always had it all the time.  This means that we can stop our struggle in the world.  The world’s story reads that we don’t have enough food or generally in this country we believe we don’t have the right kind of food.  The ego is always complaining.  The ego makes worry and struggle and constant exertion in the taking care of our lives.  Jesus is telling us in the Course that all we have to do is rely on God.  God’s Love is everything we need.

Our ego’s little inner voice says, “What do you mean, Love is all we need!”  The body needs food and the body shelter.  The ego comes up with a list of material things and says, “This sure doesn’t look like Love.”  The ego says- what kind of malarky are you feeding us here that Love is going to feed us?

What we need to do is forgive the Course.  Jesus is looking for a way to help us understand that all we truly need is God’s Love.  We have to understand and integrate that the world is not real and our bodies are not real but we still temporarily live in the world. Thus, we have to simply forgive that that means we have to negotiate with external things and physically function in a way to support our lives at least to a degree that allows us to live .  We are asked to understand that in a perfect world where the world doesn’t exist- because we never believed in our separation from God- then we can simply live in Love and nothing else.  In the perfect world bodies don’t exist.  Therefore, we don’t need to do anything in form because it has no purpose.

When we are in the perfect state of Love with no world then we are simply united with God energetically.  This is the ideal.  This is a perfect way but since we had this insane idea of separation we simply can forgive this because it surely was accidental.  God is not angry at us for forgetting that the separation never happened so we can surely forgive this as well.


ϖOur task while we have bodies is to treat them well and care for them. ∂


We do this with God’s Love because this is the true way they are nourished.  We can try to eat without God’s Love but this is really a crazy nothing.  Nothing exists without God. Just understand that God’s Love is the energy that provides us with every bit of nourishment.  Just stay focused on this energy exchange we have with God.
Stay clear your mind about how important it is that we stay in the to and from motion of our own constant exuding of God’s Love as well as the receiving of God’s Love.  This is the only thing that feeds us in the profound way that maintains our inner core.  Food can feed our bodies and we can bless it for that in our happy dream but that energy of Love is what sustains us actually.  We are invited to understand that

this Love of God’s is more important than anything. 

People actually thrive on God’s Love because it is a perfect expression of energetic alignment.  This gives us nourishment that is beyond our wildest dreams.


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