Lesson 288: “What is the Holy Spirit?” “Let me forget my brother’s past today?”
The Course teaches us that our brothers sins and misdeeds are unreal.
We can love them because they have never done anything wrong.
The Course teaches specifically to forget our brother’s sins.
It isn’t just that we forgive and hold the memory where we can quickly resort to that memory of vexation.
Jesus says that we forgive, yes. But the important thing is- how do we forgive? We forgive like it never happened in the first place. That means that it is what the Course says is unreal.
This is how we forget energetically truly that this annoyance ever happened in the first place.
Our egos are masters at holding grudges, holding grievances.
When someone does something we deem wrong, then the ego likes to agonize over it. Even if the ego is kind enough to forgive at some level, the ego will still hold the memory fresh in our perspective so we feel still raw about the exchange.
We will still feel vulnerable, like we definitely remember the mistake the person did that offended us.
This is why the Course asks us to see this as unreal.
When we forgive, the transgression we pardoned actually becomes non existent in our memories.
We actually get to a place at feeling totally fine about our connection to that other person because we feel like the problem never occurred in the first place.
It is as it we turned the clocks back until before the lapse happened in the first place where we felt positive about our connection with that other person. When we feel good it is totally easy because we don’t have any raw wounds from being hurt.
This is why accepting that the problem is unreal is certainly important because we can go back to being really happy to being in relationship with that other person.
We hold no grievances whatsoever about any issue that came between us.
The Course teaches us how to live in the world in a way that makes us truly happy.
Ideally, we want to have an open feeling of joining with our loved ones.
This is the true energy of God.
The Course asks us to go to heaven hand in hand with our loved ones.
The energy of love we feel when we love someone with Godly love is holy and perfect.
This is why the Course asks us to make sure we are in an aligned and loving relationship with our brothers and sisters.
We want to do this because they are the opportunity to feel God’s love when we love them.
This is the way to get to God as we heal any blocks to our loving them.
This is why the Course cares that we forgive and release any feeling that that blocks our connection in loving our brothers and sisters.