Lesson 35: “My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.”
Our holiness is what makes us strong and powerful. Our holiness us what makes us invulnerable in the world because behind our claim of holiness is the power of God Himself.
Since God declares us holy, and since He is supremely powerful and perfect, this means that God’s opinion about this us wholly true and accurate.
God always knows what is true because God is God.
The fact that we are holy is simply because God wants it this way. We are totally innocent since God deems us innocent.
This is why we can count on our innocence to be the way it is all the time, because God declares it a permanent trait about us all.
This means we can count on our holiness to be true all the time.
This means that nothing in the world can threaten us in any way, because the world is full of the ego’s wild fantasies, of the craziest and nastiest pictures, because this is the view of the ego.
The world with the ego in it may seem to threaten us because it seems so terrible, but we are learning a different reality for ourselves instead.
We get to be holy because God says so, and thus, the world is powerless to even affect us in the slightest way, because God is stronger and more permanent, than the flimsy ego fantasy that disappears whenever we want it to.
We always have God on our sides. God is always giving us the extraordinary experience of being holy, and this means that nothing bad can ever happen to us.
We float above the battleground energetically and emotionally when we simply remember to identify ourselves as a creation of God.
We need to just focus on feeling and experiencing that essence of being holy, because everything is easy when now we have the appropriate perspective.
When we trust God is there for us, and that God says we are totally lovable eternally, then, the world is barely noticeable when there is strife.
We are gifted with this essence of perfect love.
God gives us the reassurance that we are holy since God decrees it to be so. Therefore, our certainty is intact all the time, because God says we never sinned, and therefore, we are holy as we are.
This means our certainty is a constant, and we can feel it all the time, and it is such a perfect mix of love and forgiveness. and the miracle in essence.
The world becomes then a place for us to dance and play, because we are having a blast, since we feel so good carrying God’s Presence in the form of our certainty. Suddenly all the hard stuff just transforms miraculously.