ACIM Lesson 287

Lesson 287: “What is the Holy Spirit?”  “You are my goal, my Father, only You.”

This lesson says, “What way but this could I expect to recognize my Self, and be at one with my Identity? 

The Course teaches us to not have conflicting goals. 

The ego wants to spread our energy thin and spread our intention thin so we sit with conflict in our minds.  The ego tells us that our joy comes from external sources so we search for them typically in the world.  The Course reminds us that God is the one with Whom we want to align.

When we follow God’s agenda our energy and hearts get aligned with God, Who is always bringing us the best of the best in regards to our own inner peace and the world’s abundance.

Remembering God gets us to a place of being truly content because we are not split down the middle with a thousand different aims.

When we look to only God then we end up feeling good.  Getting to peace is straightforward because we are not split down the middle with conflicting agendas.   When we allow our minds to go with the ego’s insane attempt to meet many goals at once, we never feel good.  We don’t feel good because our energy is not aligned in what we do.

Therefore, we are not effective in the world at anything.

When we try to accomplish any task then we do a poor job or sometimes can’t even complete the task at all because we are not clear within about what is our chosen path.

This leaves us with a lack of clarity in our minds. 

When our intention is not focused on one thing at a time, we lose our way.  The Course reminds us that our purpose is to choose God all the time.

We want to deliberately make decisions because then we will not have difficulty making anything work well. 

We must be aligned energetically or we will be unable to accomplish what is important.

When we have conflict in our hearts we never feel good.

 The Course reminds us that we need to simplify our game plans.

We want to do one thing and that is make God and living through God’s Will our only purpose. 

We want to do this one thing.  When we try to complicate our intention to combine multiple plans, we just end up not being able to do anything but muddle through our days.  When we are not able to keep it simple and make only one thing important, we lose perspective.  When we lose perspective then we certainly lose our peace of mind.  We must realize that our choosing God is the way we get to equanimity.

We desire happiness and the way to achieve that is to come wholeheartedly to that single decision to choose God. 

When we make it simple, our intention becomes bright like a beacon of light. 

All of the pieces of our choosing God through clear decision-making become utterly easy to do when we make the choice to make God the most essential part of our life experience.


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