Lesson 158: Today I learn to give as I receive. The sentence that stands out for me in this lesson is, “Christ’s vision does not look upon a body, and mistake it for t he Son whom God created. It beholds a light beyond the body; an idea beyond...
ACIM Lesson
Laurie Prez, , Laurie's Course In Miracles Workbook Reflections, Be firm with the ego but ever so gentle too to prevent the egos further resistance to change, God has ultra power because He is the (only) Supreme Being so as long as we can trust that God is as powerful as He is then we can relax., God includes us all energetically in His ultra energy of perfect innocence and so we are all innocent to the core, God loves us so much that He established within all of use purity so powerful and consistent that it is entirely undimmed by errors, Our egos like to make problems- so just catch this when it happens, Our only real task is to practice remembering this, We have God standing there- being with us- while we do everything, 0