ACIM Lesson 305

Lesson 305: “What is the Second Coming?”  “There is a peace that Christ bestows on us.” This lesson says, “For it has come to us to save us from our judgement on ourselves.” The Course says that judgement is always at the root of our own suffering and everyone’s....

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ACIM Lesson 304

Lesson 304: “What is the Second Coming?”  “Let not my world obscure the sight of Christ.” This lesson says, “Perception is a mirror, not a fact.”  That gets right to the point.  This is a very simple concept and yet it is also virtually foreign for us on some...

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ACIM Lesson 312

Lesson 312: “What is the Last Judgement?”  “I see all things as I would have them be.” We are fortunate for our vision.  When we see the world, we have this awesome ability of seeing with eyes that give us information about what is out there. We have the...

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