Lesson 266: “What is the Body?” “My holy Self abides in you, God’s Son.”
This lesson says, “Father, You gave me all your Sons, to be my saviors and my counselors in sight; the bearers of Your holy Voice to me.”
The Course reminds us how absolutely fortunate we are to have all of our brothers and sisters with whom we share the planet as bringers of all the things we need.
We are most blessed because our brothers and sisters are one with us in spirit and in energy and that means there is truly no separation among us.
We are all connected and share our will and share our intention and desire.
We all feel each other, and thus, we just need to remember that we all feel God’s Love when one of us feels it among us.
Then, we realize we were all blessed the whole time because suddenly all of us shift our energy to God’s light, perfect, buoyant energy that feeds us on a deep level.
It gives us what we absolutely want more than anything else.
We must know that we are all guaranteed our salvation from God and this happens when we are willing to join our brothers and sisters in energy and love and purpose.
When we are willing to join with them, our energy becomes light and flowing, and it is open in the way that God needs to get into our hearts with absolutely no resistance.
Our brothers and sisters are our jewels because they are the only place we can go to get to God.
We also are lucky enough that our Holy Sons and Daughters of God are the people who show us ourselves.
The ego always resists the truth and certainly acknowledging any of our challenges.
The ego likes to bury its head in the sand, and pretend there are no lights, but our brothers and sisters are most blessed indeed because inevitably interacting with them brings up our blocked areas for our view so that we can at last unearth them.
We, then, bring them to light for healing. We can trust that we are always learning from our brothers and sisters and can use all of our interactions as simply a stomping ground to learn more about ourselves in every way.
Therefore, we can celebrate our holy Sons and Daughters instead of pushing them away in rejection.
While we open our minds to God, we and allow them to be our greatest teachers- whoever they may be.
Whenever they show us ourselves, this process is the way we get to God, through our Higher Selves.