ACIM Lesson 341

Lesson 341: “What is a Miracle?”  “I can attack but my own sinlessness.  And it is only that which keeps me safe.”  

A miracle is a shift in consciousness. 

It is when we choose a higher elevation in our thinking. 

The miracle is when we choose God’s buoyant and abundant energy instead of the flat and scarce energy of the ego.

The miracle occurs when there is a call for love in the world and we choose to bring love to the situation instead of focusing on the fact that it appears there is a problem. 

We can meet the problem with a miracle because when we sit with miracle consciousness, we remember that whatever problem appears to be there is already solved and healed. 

The miracle is when we stop making the problem real. 

The ego likes to focus at length over the suffering that we feel when we see a problem or a call for love.  The Course reminds us that we do not have to stay tuned into the suffering- reliving it and experiencing like we can’t stop it.  We can, in bringing the miracle, see the problem and then immediately shift our minds into a state of healed, abundant, and perfect Love of God.

When we allow this energy of God to be applied lavishly in the situation, the call for love gets healed because we bring it love. 

Then we no longer suffer over it because we are tuned into rather God’s gracious gifts.

We just have to remember that the miracle works when we remember to do it.  The miracle is about our consciousness.

It entails our our commitment to see the situation differently ourselves. 

The miracle always needs to happen within us first.  Then we can successfully bring God’s Love to the outer situation that appears to be the call for love.  The miracle works when we realize that our own mind’s healing is our first priority.

When we do, then, we have plenty of God’s Love to share outwardly because it is totally abundant when we feel it first in our own consciousness shift.

The miracle is always the way to our own sanity.  We want to feel good and aligned with God and the miracle is the way we do this.  We don’t have to do anything else but play our part in bringing miracles through our own consciousness shift.  Then we are free to do whatever applying of Love to the worldly situation that looks like a call for love.  We just need to let the miracle heal us first.

Then, when we can trust we are healed, then we can sit and rest in our certainty because we feel right and peaceful when we are aligned with God. 


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