Lesson 283: “What is the Holy Spirit?”  “My true identity abides in You.”

This lesson says, “And so we offer blessings to all things, uniting lovingly with all the world, which our forgiveness has made one with us.” 

The Course reminds us we are meant to give blessing to all we meet.  When we give blessing to others, we also give it to ourselves as well because the blessing goes right through us.

We get to feel good because in order to give away the blessing, we have to accept it fully within ourselves. 

We also then need to feel it completely, because when we accept it as our own, it becomes a part of who we are.  This is why our shared blessings are simply gifts to ourselves.

We don’t have to measure out energetically how much each person gets.

We can trust that there is plenty when we are dealing with love or God’s blessing. 

There is always plenty of God’s Love because God’s Love is infinite.  The ego likes to skimpily portion out everyone’s share, verifying to see who got more and who got less.  The world is full of measures because the world believes the idea of lack can even occur.  The Course teaches not to worry or even have doubt that we will run short on God’s Love.  It is infinite, beyond what we can comprehend with our limited perspective.

The Course teaches us to not limit God.  Love just gets bigger all the time. 

This is why we don’t need to preserve an ounce of our time or energy to devote concern that there will be enough.

The striking thing is that Love is abundant in scores of ways.  This is why we just have to believe the principles of the Course.  We need to listen to the philosophy and unlearn our beliefs, allowing rather fresh perceptions.

When we sit in the world’s frame of mind we always end up short.  The world deals in finite form. 

This is always misleading because the world can never be constantly available to feed us as God’s Love does.  We have to forgive the picture of the world.

We need to forgive that we ended up here, in the world, lost and alone in our own personal nightmare. 

This is just a great time for us to reach God in the extension of our minds instead of reaching instead for the world’s.  The world is the perfect battleground where we just stay stuck with no option of leaving.  Then we get swept into the undertow of the world’s crazy notions.

We have to forgive ourselves because we have moments where we forget we have another option than the world’s constant display of drama and addiction and full fledged suffering.  

In the Course, Jesus reminds us that we actually can forgive ourselves.

The ego would tell us we are so bad that we have no right to redemption.  The Course sets us straight once and for all.  We are perfectly innocent exactly as we are are.  We don’t have to wait for anyone’s approval to take the initiative of forgiving ourselves.

We can do this for ourselves now because God specifically gave us the forgiveness that heals all cracks in that well within us where we store God’s Love’s presence. 

We can just ease into that state of mind forgiveness gives us when we give it full due through our intention. 

Forgiveness entails our aligning our energy again with God because God wants us to be at peace and be happy and light.


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