ACIM Lesson 312

Lesson 312: “What is the Last Judgement?”  “I see all things as I would have them be.”

This lesson says, “It is impossible to overlook what we would see, and fail to see what we have chosen to behold.”   

The Course is pointing out what may seem obvious to people who have heard it before, but it may still strike us as shocking to some extent. 

We have that part of us that grew up in western culture where we sure heard plenty of messages about how insignificant is our power to change our thinking.

We may just believe that our will is inconsequential and we are just subservient to the power in control- which is not ourselves. 

We hear this information everywhere, so there’s probably at least a bit of us still resistant to buying into the idea that we can fend for ourselves or that we have any power in the situation.

It seems far fetched to think that we can change what we see in our perception and then have a very wonderful experience despite of the initial challenge.

That is very difficult for us to swallow.

The course gives us the keys to our empowerment.

The truth is that we can do whatever we so choose with God’s help as necessary. 

The idea that we get to be empowered in the process totally shifts our experience of living.

When we believe that our power to change our thinking is not as hard as it might seem allows us to let the world’s impact just fade.  

We can enjoy the process when we allow ourselves just enjoy the amount of practice and vigilance we need to stay in the process of choosing again.

Just remember that our choosing again is simply the solution we always longed for.

We can solve each and every problem from a simple shift in perception.

We solve everything because when we see everything as simply an opportunity to grow and we don’t judge with more than an evaluation and a proactive plan to simply recreate whatever needs fixing, then suddenly, nothing is difficult anymore.

We have a shift in perception that gives us the happy dream. 

Even if we have serious problems and we may struggle with great intensity, remember that it is as easy as giving this to God.

We must let God create an answer when we show up just to hang out with God.

Giving up control is that crazy thing that the ego never, ever wants to do , but this is the way to shift perception. 

Our lust for control is always the fundamental problem. 

Thank goodness our serenity takes the control and makes us shift it into a blessing when it is released.


  There is no problem that is too big for God.


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