Lesson 195: “Love is the way I walk in gratitude.”
Honor the moment we are in by noticing it.
Often as we live our full lives we get so busy we may not even remember how to be paced in walking.
We may lose touch with that purposeful movement and purposeful action.
We are learning to redo our whole lives. It is lovely to pay attention to if we are walking or if we are hurrying with lost sight of the experience of the moment.
The ego likes to keep our pace at a hasty clip because this is the way to throw us off balance and lose sight of whatever is in front of us.
Therefore, we want to be certain to move with clear intention that we don’t want to miss out on the splendid experience of how walking feels.
We want to be sure that we are willing to dabble in the repositioning of all aspects of our lives when we are doing as the Course instructs- systematically giving everything to God. We want to not keep anything from God. The ego is always trying to stay in power so it will sneakily hide away some part of us when we are not looking. The Course says make clear choice to give God all of us. We can find and will find peace when we do this.
We just need willingness to give God our whole lives and then see what God approves and gives right back.
When doing this, God shifts our energy to one of alignment with God’s certainty in whatever ways we see this manifested in the world.
God knows how to remake our personalities so that they are then existing wholly for the purpose of God. We need to not be afraid to give God all of us. God only works and functions for our best interest. We can have faith in this in the biggest way. We must make sure that we give God everything because when we do the result is we feel a clear energy that we are not-attached to maintaining some particular appearance or outcome of some aspect of our lives and personality.
Our job is to let God be the one who weighs the scales and makes the determination about what is holy and perfect for our learning.
We are learning little by little how to give our lives to God with a grateful heart. We can trust He has covered the grand scheme of how to create for our lives perfect joy and happiness.
God is always doing for us what we would want the ideal parent with perfect love to do.
Therefore, we can relax and enjoy God’s energy and love. We don’t have to worry about anything. Our task is to be light and stay clear in our mind’s eye that God is always the best one to have in our corner. The Course says we can just be grateful that God loves us the way we do.
This lesson says, “It is insane to offer thanks for suffering.” The ego does only this. The ego makes everyone and everything an enemy. The ego wants all people to suffer.
The ego is living in such a state of lack that it is generally in the mindset of wanting everyone to be as unhappy as it is.
The ego goes to great lengths to say or do whatever will make others feel terrible. Then the ego won’t feel alone. The ego does this because she feels like everyone forgot about her at Christmas. The ego is truly insane. The ego just wants us to pay attention to her own pity party because the ego thinks she will feel better if everyone else is is miserable as she is. This never makes sense to us truly because it is insane but the ego goes on and on trying to convince us that this insanity is a justified concept.
The ego has no bastion of wisdom like God so the ego is a big promoter of ridiculous ideas.
We must pay attention and keep this from being perpetuated in our minds.