Lesson 23: “I can escape the world I see by giving up attack thoughts.”

The whole purpose of the Course is to ultimately teach us how to have a peaceful existence.

We are learning what is sustainable in what we can maintain in the world. 

We all want to be peaceful because it is the only way to be happy and the Course gives us this answer that will always work if we are willing to pay close attention to our thinking. 

We have this incredible opportunity to be empowered because we can choose for ourselves exactly what most appeals to us.  

We get to love peace and create it within because we have the capacity to do so. 

God created us with this magnificent capacity to make our own constant miracle mindedness. 

We can meet the world with the miracle because it is more fun and makes us giddy in the process.  Who doesn’t want to be happy?

We just have to be willing to own it and claim it because God made us that way.

The Course just reminds us of stuff we all know inherently, but that we forget and lose our way at times.  This is why the lessons are so easy and straightforward.

They are just getting us back to the place we forgot.

We just need to just get excited about all the attack energy that we can find within us.

We need to get exited that it is simply a matter of choosing our thoughts to get us to that place we all call home.

Being with God in the perfect state of Knowledge and Inclusion is what truly makes us happy, and this is possible with just the simple shift in thinking.

The attack thoughts always ruin our days.

We always feel the attack energy that goes through us- we all feel the nuances of that dark, dense, distressful energy because it goes right through us in the process of our expressing it some way in the world. 

This is why all attack energy ends up really bothering us specifically, because we are the ones who feel it, since it is a powerful force. 

This is why the attack energy is worth really noticing.

It will powerfully affect us if we are not clear within ourselves that we want more elevated thoughts than the dark feelings that are based in attack energy.

This lesson says, “The idea for today contains the only way out of fear that will ever succeed.” 

The Course reminds us that there are only two emotions- love and fear. 

All other emotions that come out of us that are not clearly love are necessarily some form of fear, no matter how they look.  

We just need to keep in mind that fear may take many forms, but the essence of fear is still simply the attack energy.

  We want to get more clear about what is from attack energy and what is not.


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