The last time I checked in with everyone, I spoke of changing Laurie’s Reflections, which are about the Course in Miracles Workbook lessons. 

I needed to cut down my writing to once a week.  I have had time to sit and ponder. 

I am excited to offer another shiny, new writing in addition to the Course Lesson.

It’s called Laurie’s Positive Points.

I am an acupuncturist by trade, and this is where the idea came from, “points”- get it?

I feel enthusiastic to offer a new form of Laurie’s insights.

I used to write Laurie’s Reflections primarily based on the Course In Miracles’ workbook lessons and readers could expect a workbook format. 

Laurie’s Positive Points, will be new and fresh each time. 

They won’t follow any structure other than what I give them from my heart.

Rest assured they will still carry the Course In Miracles mindset I have deeply come to love.

Positive Points will be putting the Course into action.

Allowing Spirt’s inner guide to bubble out of me. 

It will be about the good, bad, and the nitty gritty. 

Learning how to SEE and experience the yumminess of living in the world.  Living the HAPPY DREAM in a way where we can soar above the storms on this planet while we are here.

Laurie’s Positive Points will be focused on simple wellness in general.

The topics will have themes of spiritual, physical and emotional wellness.

My intention is to offer all of you Lovelies practical tools and thoughts.

I wish for all people to prosper and thrive on their collective and individual journeys. 

How?   We will explore ways of dancing through life together with light(er) hearts. 

I will send out Laurie’s Positive Points once every week.


For any one who may not want to receive Laurie’s Positive Points emails, no problem!  Just email me and let me know.  That is an easy fix.  

Otherwise, enjoy!!  With deep respect and gratitude.

All love,



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