Lesson 103: “God, being Love, is also happiness.”

This lesson says, “To fear Him is to be afraid of joy.” 

The Course assures us of this simple truth that we can depend on implicitly. 

God Wills for us to experience Love- which is what God is. 

Also we get to experience joy, with a light heart, and jump up ten feet out of bed every day, and prance around, and float above it all. 

We develop an earnest case of the giggles with just that inner knowing that all is well and that we are entirely lovable because God says so.  

We may have such a reaction to the idea that God is happiness, and also, that God wants for us to feel happiness ourselves without fail or other agenda.  

God is our masterful Father and loving Parent Who gives us the best of the best of the whole of all we see. 

God gives us the miracles in the form of shifts in consciousness, and God gives us this especially exceptional experience of limitless joy. 

We often have lots of resistance to believing God wants joy for us because the ego has designed our minds and also designed the world to automatically swear that God is the punishing sort, Who damns us to millions of years burning in purgatory.   

Therefore, the simple notion that God is anything else- namely, not out to make us suffer, appears gravely doubtful. 

There is a huge gap within us when we feel like God is the punishing sort and we are asked to change our minds. 

How are we going to accept this possibility in the least when we aim to do so? 

And what of- the fact that God gives us all the extraordinary benefits like God’s elevated Energy and His Will for our abundant lives?  

We can sit with no ability to access even the slightest probability in this.  

His Will for us is to experience all the wonderful feelings in life, like passion, forgiveness, and the kindest love. 

We are asked to take a closer look at how we feel about God. 

Often we feel a nagging and pervasive distrust for God, because of all of our learned narratives from our previous life experience of how God truly is. 

We are indisputably programmed to believe all the worst potentials about God, because the ego always projects outwardly its own self. 

It, therefore, gives us the false impression that God is in fact similar to the ego. 

This is a completely wrong interpretation of God, but it is all we have often within us. 

We just don’t know how to cleanse this insanity, allowing it spill right into the swell of the ocean tides, eradicating our untrue ideas.  

We are here simply for the learning of how to not see the world and love as fearful.  We can do this by starting with the undoing of this false idea about God. 

We are asked to bring just the smallest amount of willingness in the process. 

Sometimes our illusions- especially about God- are quite pronounced. 

We can find this so profoundly destabilizing because our beliefs about what is the true nature fo God totally throws us off base, if we are not willing to give up this falsehood.  

The Course also reminds us that we can never fail this attempt to claim our happiness in the form of our identity as God’s children because God Wills it to be so. 

Whatever God Wills is the truth, and this can have no argument in it. 

We are asked to simply let it be our elevator when we are stuck not able to grapple for our willingness to see God for how God is. 

We just need to stay firm in our own assertion in connecting with that part of us that we can always turn to when we are asked to be the deciding factor of choosing love.


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