Lesson 10: “My thoughts do not mean anything.”
This lesson says, “This idea will release me from all that I now believe.”
The problem is that we have a very static view of how to approach life.
The ego has a totally limited perspective.
The ego sees all things in a finite way because the ego thrives on scarcity.
The ego keeps scarcity recurring because the ego believes that scarcity is true. This rut that the ego keeps us in happens because the ego wants to have the same familiar nightmare recurring over and over.
As dreadful as it may be, to the ego it is home and feels like a friend.
This is why this is so confusing.
We listen to the ego’s perspective and we have difficulty arguing with it because it seems so real.
The problem is that the ego gets confused about the difference between pleasure and pain. Truly, the ego has no idea which is which. Thus, we often don’t realize where the ego has placed us on any particular day because we are often not clear ourselves.
Sometimes, in the world, it may take a series of events for us to encounter before we get enough experience where we can sit down at last and decipher which one is pleasure and which one is pain.
We often just show up and assume the ego will lead us to pleasure but then the ego gets us all confused. This never feels good.
When it comes to knowing the difference between pleasure and pain, the Course reminds us to ask the Holy Spirit for direction.
And the course reminds us that everything is going to be much better than the ego anticipates it will be.
When we have high hopes and an elevated outlook, the likelihood is much greater that this is also what will get manifested in our life experience.
We are asked to get out of the way of God’s greatness.
The problem is that the ego always, always thinks small.
The ego thinks minutely. The Course reminds us to allow for the greatness of God and know that God is supremely powerful.
He can and will give us all the abundance and support we need to accomplish what is important as well as be given the best of the best.
Just give our minds permission to be bigger.
The problem is that our minds need permission to be big.
When we do, then it is easy because the true nature of our minds is to be big and abundant.
All we have to do is welcome it with a grateful heart.
This is the way to be present with the true reality that we are all equally God’s favorites and blessed with more than we can imagine.