ACIM Lesson 313

Lesson 313: “What is the Last Judgement?”  “Now let a new perception come to me.”  

This lesson says, “We save the world when we have joined.” 

The Course reminds us that our salvation is not earned.

We don’t have to specifically plan out how we will meet with enough kudos to get to where we have enough to achieve salvation. 

We are reminded that God never plays favorites.  We don’t have to hope for the best from God, our salvation, because it is already guaranteed.  That means we can just sit and accept it.

We just need practice realizing our salvation is a done deal.  

The Course teaches us that everyone is equally worthy of God’s salvation as we are.  That means we all get the same, best result when we shoot for our optimal goal- the joy of our salvation.

The Course teaches us that joining with our brothers and sisters in energy and in mind is the way to our salvation. 

God wants us to be open to loving our brothers and sisters with devotion and zero grievances so that we feel a sense of unity with them. 

This is that cherished feeling of our joining that elevates our consciousness so much that we are the closest to the gates of Heaven we can be in the human form.

This is why the feeling of loving our friends and family and those we don’t know yet as well is the most important thing we can do.

This intention of our showing up with a willing heart to love them without fail is what gets our energy so light and sweet and happy that we feel the gates of Heaven within us. 

This is salvation when we simply remember that we are all equally worthy of being loved and all worthy of the gifts of our community at large.  We get to love everyone and this is what makes love flourish within us because we remember everyone’s worth including our own.

This creates an awesome experience of love that we naturally want to share because it is so exquisite.  


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