Lesson 144: Review: “My mind holds only what I think with God.” “There is no love but God’s.” “The world I see holds nothing that I want.”
The Introduction here says, “There is no hurry now, for you are using time for its intended purpose.”
The Course reminds us that time is not real as it is human made and is a result of our coming to the world for our purpose here.
Time is not of God because God never changes and time does.
Therefore, we just want to appreciate that time and the way the world and people change in time is specifically not of God.
Therefore, we are simply asked to accept the reality of time from the perspective of the gentle touch.
We want to realize that since it is unreal, try not get attached to what seems to happen in time.
Hold the world and time with that utmost delicate grasp, where we allow it to be part of the equation in which we live, but it is also completely not of the God- centered existence in any reality.
We just need to not clutch this rigidly, as if it is of real substance. It is not.
The Course reminds us that while we must not see time as real, and thus, with seemingly lasting detrimental effects on us, our task is to learn to simultaneously realize that we can use time for God’s purpose.
Anything of the world- that is of the ego- we can dedicate to God and totally change our relationship with it, changing our perception of it. This is all that matters.
Using time for God’s intended purpose means we just let God in.
We invite all that we are doing in time to be specifically for God.
We just remember to consciously bring God into our minds and hearts and lives. This is the way we shift our reality of time.
Then suddenly time is in fact a beautiful place to be because we are dedicating our efforts to getting to more self-forgiveness and releasing that inner parade of judgement, while we learn to see everything as love or a call for love.
We are constantly learning to bring the miracle all the time because we can, and we want so much to share the Love of God, and so, we start to do it automatically.
This changes our experience of time. We start with our own self-direction.
We get to make watching our minds the thing we can’t wait to do, and we get to dramatically change the quality of our lives with our own simple intention to heal ourselves.
Our own self initiation is the way to heal ourselves and heal our lives.
Just keep in mind that we are the only problem out there and it works when we are willing to start with the healing of our own minds first and foremost.