Lesson 65: “My only function is the one God gave me.”

The Course reminds us that we need to be clear about what our will is.  We may hear over and over about the same concepts.  This is on purpose, so we get to a place where the realization of these principles start to become second nature.  And then we can live them regularly.  We don’t have to keep searching outside of ourselves when we give into this incredible love inside of us that is very specifically only from God.

The Course explains that we need to get especially sure about what our function is.  We often just stay partially numb within and we don’t take the time and effort to stop and realign ourselves repeatedly throughout the day or night, or even over week spans.  It can all seem to run together when we get busy.  We don’t stop and pay attention to what we feel and what our hearts yearn for.  We need to stop and check in with them.

♥Our hearts always inform us of our inner functioning’s if we just stop everything else and listen. 

There is no problem that we can’t face when we do it with God. 

But the problem is that we forget to sit in that knowing that God is what we want and not the world’s offerings.  We are learning to get to a place of concrete resolve that God is our only agenda.

We need to get clear within that God is the only one we want.  We are constantly bombarded with the plethora of worldly choices.  We think we can find our life purpose in the world’s arena and we learn to believe that we seek the fulfillment of the world’s prizes.  We start to get to a place where the world seems to be the constant offering.  We get to a place where we feel completely not open to the plans and function of God.  This seems like a crazy dream and the world comparably seems so real.  This is always confusing because it puts us in a position that we don’t know how to get out of.  When the world seems to beckon constantly, we can find it truly impossible to say no and assert that we have another plan.  This means what we need to do is stay focused on the possibility that God offers a better plan.  This seems like a far reach into the unknown.  We deem this a foolhardy endeavor to give our minds to God. We need to be constantly checking in with our higher Selves and finding out if we are withholding any part of us from God.

♠We may get complacent in our lives and just want to muddle through without making grand gestures. 

What we learn in the Course is that we can change our reality.  We can do this easily if we make God our decision.  This can feel like such a tall order.  We can scare away from making this type of decision.  The Course says that all we have to do is choose God and then everything- like our certainty and our feeling great about ourselves- what is God’s grandeur- is ours. Also, the abundance of the world and all of our peace and love is all available for us when we get clear that we choose God.

What so typically happens is that we don’t notice that very often our ego gives us all kinds of reasons to stay invested in the world’s agenda.  This always keeps us with one foot into God reality and the other in our ego mind.  This means we will be split down the middle.  When we forget to stay clear about clarity in our intention we just fumble ahead.  We can’t move at all because we have left our feet in the ego’s path.  Being conflicted within never serves us.  Then we try to move from a perspective of multiple paths simultaneously.   We just can’t divide our intention and attention that way.  We always fail to progress further because we can’t connect with our feet as they are set off course.  There is no single path so we get stuck.

God isn’t hogging our energy by insisting that we pay attention to Him.  Our life pursuits simply don’t work if we are conflicted within.  The nature of the Universe is that we must be clear about what we want or we can’t move forward until we do.  God is simply saving us time and energy from trying many paths that go nowhere.  We are learning that we can’t be conflicted and be effective in the world because this is the nature of the Universe.  This is why we can forgive God for insisting on our giving our minds to purely to God.  God is doing us the favor of teaching us what works.


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